Florida Historical Society, St. Augustine
Congressional Medal of Honor Society of the United States - For spending a lifetime actively advocating on behalf of those suffering from denial of basic human rights...exposed injustice and exploitation at home and abroad, infiltrated a score of domestic terrorist groups. For more than three quarters of a century, Kennedy has taken part in struggles against war, totalitarianism, peonage,, disenfranchisement, chain gangs, infant mortality, unattended illness, homelessness, unemployment, and denial of educational opportunity
For his book, Grits & Grunts: Folkloric Key West.
St. Johns Vision, St. Augustine, Florida “Stetson Kennedy is a “national treasure” for his role over the past seven decades as a civil right crusader, historian and author.”
Florida Heritage Book Festival
Honored for Kennedy's lifetime achievements on behalf of human rights and the environment.
The National New Deal Preservation Association is indebted to and grateful for the pioneer and lifetime work of Stetson Kennedy who, at the age of 21, was put in charge of folklore, oral history, and ethnic studies for the WPA Florida Writer’s Project and has continued to inspire a generation of scholars and oral historians.
A Night with Stetson Kennedy event at University of North Florida with Bob Edwards, Arlo Guthrie, and Peggy Bulger
Morehouse College Atlanta, GA “In the tradition of Mohandas K. “Mahatma: Gandhi, Dr. martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, you have served your community and the world through your dedication to peace and unity, your commitment to nonviolence, and your persistent efforts to establish justice for all humankind.
Much Ado About Books Jacksonville, Florida
Rotary International St. Augustine, Florida
40th Anniversary to Commemorate the Civil Rights Demonstrations, Jacksonville, Florida
Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida
Awarded by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs. Jeb Bush, Governor. Glendale E. Hood, Secretary of State.
Morehouse College Atlanta, GA “In the tradition of Mohandas K. “Mahatma: Gandhi, Dr. martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, you have served your community and the world through your dedication to peace and unity, your commitment to nonviolence, and your persistent efforts to establish justice for all humankind.
Florida Heritage” Historic Marker Installed at Beluthahatchee St. Johns County, Florida
Stetson Kennedy Day Board of County Commissioners St. Johns County, Florida
The Broward Folk Club South Florida Folk Festival “In appreciation for his numerous contributions to the Folk Arts of Florida and the United States
Literary Landmark designation bestowed upon Beluthahatchee (Fruit Cove, Florida) by Friends of Libraries USA
Will McLean Foundation Dunnellon, Florida
Fellow of the Society Awarded by the Society of Professional Journalists for demonstrating the highest standards and providing extraordinary contributions to the profession of journalism
Jacksonville Urban League Jacksonville, Florida “In recognition of the significant contributions you have made over several decades in fighting for human rights, fair treatment, and equal opportunity, and for following the literal mandates for the constitution advocating freedom and justice for all.
Diocese of St. Augustine Jacksonville, Florida
Stetson Kennedy accepts the Dr. Benjamin Spock Peacemaker of the Year Ward in 2001. Watch his acceptance speech from 2001.
Mary L. Singleton Memorial Day for Justice, Peace, and Social Harmony Jacksonville, Florida
Sigma Chi fraternity
Presented by, Florida Governor Lawton Chiles. Jacksonville, This is an award reserved for citizens who exemplify long-term commitment and service to their communities.
For book of year, “doing the most to combat prejudice in North America”
(After Appomattox: How the South Won the War)
Lincoln-Douglass Memorial Emancipation Proclamation Association, Jacksonville
Reconcile Jacksonville, “In loving appreciation and thanksgiving for his strength and courage in confronting and overcoming racial injustice.” (Rev. Davette Turk)
University of North Florida, Jacksonville
nominated by The Giraffe Project, Langley, WA.
St. Martin De Porres Association, Archdiocese of Miami, FL, Co-Recipient Katherine Dunham, et al (1992 recipient Jimmy Carter et al).
Institute of Florida Studies, Florida Technological University, Melbourne, Florida Folksinger/composer Frank Thomas debuts his “Ballad of Stetson Kennedy: One Man Against the Klan.”
Intercontinental Conference on Civil Rights and the Force of Law, Juridica, Nantes, France, Monnaie de Paris, Prix De l’Edit de Nantes.
Seminole County Branch, Florida
Martin Luther King Cultural Arts Group, Beverly Hills, FL
nominee, University of Florida
Florida Historical Society, Florida Public Radio, Jo Miglino, Producer “Stetson Kennedy: Sing a Folksong, Live a Folklife.”
avallo Foundation, Washington, DC “moral courage for the public benefit resulting in personal suffering or sacrifice.”
“whose courageous actions Illuminate all our lives making manifest the truth that people who believe in themselves and care for others can meet any challenge life presents.”
First tri-state Meeting of Florida, Georgia and Alabama State Historical Societies – Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Palmetto Country and author’s 75th Birthday.
Council of Florida Libraries
Florida Humanities Council. Focus on WPA Florida Folklore collecting of 1930s under direction of Stetson Kennedy, Miami
State of Florida, Division of Cultural Affairs
Sorbonne, Paris, “based upon works published in France.”
nomination, Freedom House, New York, NY
Madison Square Garden, NY “Who has shown a deep concern for the Welfare of Human Society and has opposed all forms of bigotry that would destroy our unity and with it our way of life.” Other recipients: Paul Robeson, Howard Fast, et al.
Sponsored by the Southern Conference for Human Welfare, Washington, DC. (on platform: some Senators, Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices), St. Louis, Missouri